
Rosemary on the Rotisserie

We drive on to see the Grandstand where we enjoy bacon and eggs semi al fresco.

Alex captures the Grandstand formation from a variety of perspectives, and sees some potential moving rocks.

The famous moving rocks share this dry lake bed with the Grandstand.

Tonight we camp in Mesquite Creek Campground where there are actual flushing toilets.  What a luxury.  This is one of the nearly free campgrounds inside Death Valley.  The spaces are generous and there are few people here.  Too far from the golf course?

Dinner is our now thawed game hen which Alex cooks on the grill, turning it so that it is almost as if it is on a rotisserie.  He stuffs the body cavity with fresh rosemary and adds sprigs under each wing and leg, too.

While the little bird cooks, we enjoy all of our remaining fresh vegetables as a salad.  Carving the bird is simply splitting it down the middle.  It tenderly releases its bones and is still juicy.  This isn't only amazing camp fare.  This could be served up in your favorite posh restaurant, along with our baby arugula and spinach salad.  You could opt out of topping it with all the remaining fresh things in the camper refrigerator if you wish to keep the restaurant star rating high.

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