
And i feel fine.

The drive through Fish Creek Canyon is only about 12 miles, but it is a dry, rocky river bed.  Going slowly means opportunities to see things.  It isn't yet the time for a big desert bloom, but there are flowers.

Palo verde trees are very well adapted to this unpredictably dry climate.  In a dry spell there are no leaves, but the young growth of the plant is green - and can photosynthesize without leaves.  Puts me in mind of the mangroves in the Everglades - well adapted to sea water because they can remove the salt.

Our exit will be through Split Mountain, but first we stop to hike to Wind Caves.  Wind whooshes through carving caves.  No more need be said.  Alex finds lizard tracks inside one.

We exit Anza-Borrego Desert State Park to the east heading to Brawley for gasoline and a few groceries.  Here is some advice for couples traveling together for an extended period of time.  Don't let it get under your skin too much when map reading, GPS units, and direction-finding fail.  It isn't really the end of the world as we know it.  All will soon be fine.  And you'll feel fine.

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