
Groundhog Day 2018

Groundhog Day 2018 marks the beginning of another Quigley camping-exploring adventure.  We settle back into the routine of living in 78 square feet.  That means mostly living outside when we aren’t rolling or sleeping.  It is grand.

It surprises me how familiar and easy the arrangement is - partly because the last big trip brought helpful habits and routines to the small space.  The blog name “Parva domus magna quies” translates truly to “small house great peace”,

For the first overnight we camp in Meramec State Park.  It is chilly, but feels good after leaving 6 degrees in Michigan.  Morning campground data: 31 degrees outside and 37 inside.  This data supports my appreciation of the guy who gets up first to light the heater and make coffee.

As we start out in morning light we note the high water marks on the cabin - and feel obliged to capture the huge icicles in the cave.

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